Deb's Place


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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2003-07-31 - 3:08 p.m.

14.7% Off

There is a sign on the store across the street from my office. It says "Menswear Mania! 14.7% Off Already Reduced Prices!"

They are having a cheerleading camp at the college where the boy does day camp. There were small groups of loud girls all over this morning obviously preparing for some sort of competition. As we walked down the stairs a couple of counsellors from the boy's camp zipped into the stairwell with us. "Quick," one said "out of the hall before we're run over by an army of barbies."

The in-laws sold their beach house. Predictably DH's spoiled younger sister is having a fit about it. Even though she knows the folks are getting up in years and are having trouble with the stairs, she's in a pout because now she can't stay at the beach free. The folks have bought a bit of land just inland in the same town. We're talking 5 or 7 miles to the beach max. And they're putting in a pool - for the kids. DH and I think that if you have a house worth more money than we'll ever see and you can sell it and get one that doesn't hurt you to live in - do it. I'm also sort of happy because I could see that house being a point of contention when the folks become infirm or die. I just know there would have been major reluctance on SIL's part to sell it and frankly I would never want us to be part owner of something with his family.

On Tuesday, before this nonsense started at work, I got a call from the boy's camp. Seems he was spitting on another kid. Apparently it's happened before. Kind of sucks though to have your first knowledge of problems include the words "if it continues he will be expelled from camp". A little warning would be nice!

Needless to say that was on my mind and churning my stomach while they were busy telling ex-bossman it was time to cut his losses. I left work a smidgeon early to deal with the boy which caused me to miss the great "debriefing" done by the jerk of a big boss. Probably a blessing since I didn't have an opportunity to tell him what I thought of him. Especially since they probably wouldn't offer me an exit package.

The phone rang at 11:18pm. At 11:18 I'd been asleep for over an hour (it was an early night). Seems the overnight jobs weren't running and the Princess didn't know what to do. First off I wonder why the f**k she's the one calling and second it isn't even late enough to think they've failed. Then she springs the news on me. I realize that I saw them loading boxes into his car and it didn't even register as odd.

Needless to say Tuesday night was mostly a wash. I found I couldn't sleep so I got up. I went downstairs and online. Then I decided to get the resume back into bits&bytes since I seem to have misplaced the diskette. Finally I decided that perhaps I should at least try to sleep. I was marginally successful.

So I arrived to a major issue with the overnights (seems the mainframe system was out of balance and it took hours to figure it out) and masses of group angst. The most competent of the big bosses (I wish I could remember what his title is ...) stopped by to see how we were doing. Then we had the group meeting of our organization followed by the group meeting with our new bosses.

Here's where the powers that be threw in a twist I never anticipated. See we aren't going under the Princess and they aren't bringing in some new and annoying high powered boss. They are folding us into the other existing corporate tech group. That would be the group I originally worked for in the organization. The bossman was the whole reason that there were 2 tech groups and without him they are being put back together. It is brilliant, simple and so logical that it never occured to me.

So they met with each of us to find out what our current projects and outstanding issues are, and they told us to carry on. The inside track is that nothing will change until late October or November when they finish integrating a new bank. Then things will probably be changed, but until then it appears to be business as usual.

We'll see.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen