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Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2003-04-18 - 5:54 p.m.

Stay Home Day.

As the munchkin would say, today was a stay home day. Strangly there are 2 non-care days associated with Easter. Thats the same number as at Christmas, but at least then one of them is the actual holiday which these two are not. I did the duty today, DH has monday.

I got up later than usual but early enough to be bathed and dressed by his usual wake up time. Needless to say he slept for an extra hour and a half.

It was a day of munchie and me. We went to get him a cholesterol test done. I treated him to McDonalds for breakfast afterwards. We came home and I watched while he played his new computer game (now he needs a new one because this was the lamest game ever). I did bills, he explained each step of the game. I filed he got my opinions of each item.

Then we dyed eggs. I got the big dye kit this year because I wanted the clear wax crayon. We had fun with it. I have eggs covered in 2 color flowers, swirls, dots, stripes and zig zags. I was mellower about it than last time (when he dumped a whole cup of egg dye all over the table).

Then we had lunch. We watched a couple cartoons and then went off to the grocery. Too much money later (and several junky items I'd never choose but he really wanted), we came home. The funniest was when he made me buy a chocolate bunny for his daddy for Easter and said we'll just tell him the Easter bunny brought it. That was followed by a long "is the Easter bunny real" discussion. I told him he'd have to decide for himself and he said he'd believe in him so as not to hurt his feelings.

DH was already here when we got back, so after stashing the goods I did a bit of cleaning while they played a computer game.

Tomorrow is an SCA event. Then Easter.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen