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2003-02-14 - 11:03 a.m.

War and Peace of Mind

The government sucks. I hate this whole alert system (orange?!). I hate fear mongering articles telling me to duct table myself into a room. I hate the whole f*ing thing.

This has been preying on my mind. Mostly because I can not decide what is logical precaution and what is just stupid. I can't think of any disaster situation where 3 days of food and water is going to be enough. Do they think that on the 4th day we'll just mosey on over to the F ood L ion and get more supplies. Are we preparing for a disaster or a snowstorm?

Still I ask myself what would it hurt to have a few things on hand. If I don't use them, I can donate them to a food bank later. I'm a freezer storage kind of person. If my electric went out for more than a day it would be time for a massive barbeque and then we'd have almost nothing.

I am a child of the suburbs. All you have to do is watch survivor to see how poorly suburban kids do in a pinch. So I'm conflicted. I don't think my emergency plan should be - always have enough gas to get home and keep the pantry full of poptarts. But what's reasonable? What's sane?

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen