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Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2003-01-12 - 5:49 p.m.

Pleasant company and small chores.

I had this idea that I'd update on Friday, but was so darn busy at work that I never got around to it. I was vaguely thinking of jumping into the greater scadian political debate, but it's probably better that I don't. Frankly I'm pretty wishy-washy about both political parties, and I am in those group of people that would actually benefit somewhat from Shrubby's tax cut.

The weekend has been blissfully apolitical. I hung out with the best babe yesterday. If you look at the actual activities: reading cookbooks (occasionally out loud), eating tuna sandwiches, assorted cleaning and mending - it really doesn't sound nearly as pleasant as it was. Of course if I add norfulling the fresh loaf of herb bread slathered in butter it improves. The truth is that when you are in good company, you could be knee deep in horseshit and it's still a pleasant day.

Today I actually finished the dress I started last year at this time. Now I need something in a nice surcoat to wear over it, and a nice event to wear it to. I definitely prefer when I don't have too many projects in process. I have materials for lots of projects, though and I should get cracking on some of them.

Today has been cock-a-block of tiny little chores, hanging with the munchkin and general loafing. The boys are currently playing Pokecards and if I'm lucky they'll both remember last nights promise for the man to put the boy to bed tonight.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen