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2003-01-05 - 7:23 p.m.


It snowed! Damn I'm glad I got the Christmas lights down yesterday. Now it's just a question of whether there will be school tomorrow or not.

Christmas has been officially disassembled here. I just have to vacuume a bit and voila, back to what passes for normal around here. I also did laundry (whee!). It was an unusual weekend, though.

First off we had a baby sitter for the munchkin so we could go to the SIL's 40th birthday party. I can probably count on my fingers the number of times that's happened. The little man got very dramatic "You're my best friends". We had to reassure him we were just going out for a little while. The babysitter was one of my nephews - he even brought his Poke-cards and they played together. It was a very popular move. The only doofus thing the sitter did was put the child to bed but leave all the lights on in his room and the door open. The party was nice enough, very low key. I did make the tactical error of drinking several caffinated sodas ensuring that I would not sleep well.

Today I did a second viewing of the Two Towers. Very amusing. Pre-planning ensured that I didn't bust a gut during the show. No drinks before or during. I've gotta say that this go round my heart goes pita-pat for Faramir. He was always my favorite character in the books and the actor playing him was very aesthetically pleasing.

I also did some quality ruminating yesterday. The man wanted to take one of his machines to be repaired and I wanted to go out. I ended up postponing to today and it worked out, but only after I had a nice hissy fit about it. I've come to the conclusion that the thing that pisses me off the most in my marriage is that I'm no longer able to do what I want to do when I want to do it. I not only have to plan for the munchkin, but I find myself deferring to the husband as well. He never has a clue about what has to be done, has been done, or should be done but I end up bending over backwards so he can do what he wants.

He's an anchor, and not in a good way. It's no wonder I'm feeling so weighed down. I have my munchkin who is an anchor to reality and responsiblity. And I have my husband the lead weight.

It's not his fault really. No one is going to give me what I want if I never say what it is. And I definitely have a problem for asking for what I want.

For instance I whined about my Christmas presents right until I looked at my list - everything he bought was there. I wrote a crappy list and got a crappy group of presents. It's a shame but I don't guess I couldn't put that what I really wanted for Christmas is a husband who has enough of a clue about who I am to buy me things that I might like.

Bah more issues.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen