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2002-11-12 - 2:39 p.m.


I'm reading a biography of Queen Victoria. I caught just a morsel of the dramatization on PBS and decided I was interested - after all Victorian Mystery novels are my favorite kind.

I've just gotta say, though, Her Majesty was a bit of a fruit bat. Not that I blame her, the way she was raised and all. Conceived for no other reason than her father suddenly realized (with the death of his neice) that he could father the next monarch. Raised by a German mother and a conniving Englishman who was her "secretary". She didn't exactly have a wholesome start in life.

Another thing I understand is how she did things when she was starting out, then learned to do them differently after she married Prince Albert, but when he died she had a hard time doing them again. She had functioned as Queen before she married, but she really had a problem going back to that after he died.

I've felt that way about some things. There was a period in my late 20's and early 30's when I did things easily that I can't even imagine doing now. Things that were hard when I was younger somehow felt easier during that period. Now they are inexplicably hard again. Of course the only thing that's really changed is me.

I've been thinking about that today. Wondering what it was that was different then.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen