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2002-11-07 - 11:52 a.m.

The Toothfairy.

Munchkin and I had a discussion a couple of days ago about whether the tooth fairy was a boy or girl. His second loose tooth hit critical wiggle this week and yesterday morning while brushing his teeth it just popped right out.

I always wondered how parents manage to pull off the whole tooth fairy thing, and I guess now I know. I know some parents buy the little tooth fairy box for the bedside table, but that seemed like cheating to me. Last time he dropped the tooth down the drain, so we didn't have to deal with it. We just wrote a note and left it on the bedside table.

Last night was the moment of truth. Munchie usually has 2 pillows. Last night he put one aside because he "didn't want to waste the tooth fairy's time". We carefully placed the tiny little tooth under the pillow. He went to sleep. I wrangled up a dollar.

Then came the moment of truth. Tooth retrieval and dollar placement. How to do it? I discovered that if the kid is really asleep you can rummage around under their pillow for a long time. Then they notice and shift some allowing you to better rumage. I basically groped around until I felt the tooth. Then kind of half heartedly shoved the dollar underneath.

This morning there was one very excited little boy at the top of the stairs clutching his dollar and asking if he was allowed to break into his piggy banks.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen