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Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2002-07-25 - 9:41 a.m.

Movin' on.

Sometimes you just know when it's time to move on. Last night was one of those times. Things change, people change when it's done it's done.

So I went to a show with the best babe last night. The company was fabulous, the conversation excellent, the food good. The show was disappointing.

David Wilcox used to be one of my very favorite poet/folk musicians. He always seemed to get the deep meanings using catchy but not preachy songs. Spiritual without being overtly religious. Apparently that has changed.

He led with a couple good ones. Then did a 9-11 song that I actually thought was a clever treatment of a difficult topic. Then he started with the depressing death songs. A whole bunch of them. Then more 9-11 songs - were there 3 or 4? After the first 2 I honestly stopped listening. After that it was the god songs. It was the first time I've left a show before the performer finished, but both the babe and I agreed - we were done.

I don't begrudge people their grieving time - 9-11 was a major disaster. What I am is really sick of people co-opting the horror of it as their own personal life altering experience. I'm talking, of course, about the people who WERE NOT there and DID NOT lose close friends or relatives. Welcome to what the rest of the world has known for ages - the world isn't a safe place. If you'd look up from Oprah long enough to check out reality, you'd have known it by now too.

So he's changed. The man from the back woods beauty of Asheville has bought a house in the DC suburbs and found religion. I hope it works out for him. Unfortunately it has changed his music into something that no longer moves me. The new stuff just felt way too heavy handed and preachy. Definitely not my style.

Sigh. So today I'm very tired and I'm not sure it was worth it.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen