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Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2002-05-23 - 1:16 p.m.

Mental Chaos, Zen Driving and Folk Music

Yesterday the Princess stopped by my office looking serious. Just as bossman informed us 2 weeks ago that he is too busy for his real work, she has realized that she can no longer keep up with hers. So now, it is mine.

I am now the main contact for a bunch of little applications I know almost nothing about. With a lot of active issues, fixes, new versions to "push" to the users, and general mental chaos. Luckily we do still have the developer on the payroll. Unfortunately she's a consultant in California. I love trying to think in time zones. She's been doing it a while, however, so hopefully her brain will function where mine fails.

Last night I actually found my self saying "use the force, Luke" while driving. I was heading home from someplace I have been before. Usually after once with the directions I tend to "zen drive". I'll tell myself I've been there and that I know the way. Sometimes I'm ok, sometimes it's iffy.

On the way to I missed a turn, but knew it as I was passing it. Quick u-turn and I was back on track. On the way home I decided to take a road that I knew I'd seen at two different spots on the drive. Cutting the corner on my square between roads. Unfortunately the cross road was marked, but my normal road wasn't. I had a feeling though, so I took a chance, took the turn and drove home. Used "the force". Saved about 10 minutes too.

The event in question was a lovely folk music concert. The openning act was talented and very cute. The headliner was awesome. Made me smile, nearly made me cry. Very good.

Learned a little Canadian history too. Makes me think a little harder about that big, beautiful country north of here that we in the US tend to take for granted. So given the opportunity, you should give James Keelaghan a listen.


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen