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2002-03-16 - 7:13 p.m.

Life's Certainties.

They say there's only 2 thing that are certain. Happily everyone here is still alive so I'm talking taxes. Took a bit of time today for the annual rendering unto caesar. Happily they will be rendering a bit back.

Had to Wait a bit longer than I wanted to, but DH forgot to change his address with a place he has stock. Couldn't do the taxes without the 1099. So my resolution of a february finish got screwed up again. I'm just happy to have them done.

There are probably volumes of complaints about the process, but I've gotta say that it's the little worksheets that get my goat. There are so many little worksheets that I fill out. So many are: enter your total from line 7 on line 1, enter your total from line 8 on line 2, enter the larger of the 2 numbers on line 3 ... The one that really got me was for munchies taxes - yeah I fill a form for the 5 year old, he had an investement from grandma and pop-pop that paid a good sized capital gains one year, he hasn't owed since then, but I figure if I just stop sending them it could be trouble later - anyway you have to figure what sort of deduction he can take. The whole purpose of the form is to see if several numbers are greater than 750 - why don't they just tell you up front that if your salary was less than 750 take the 750. And why is it that 460 in earnings would owe $69 in taxes. Doesn't that seem a tad excessive to anyone else? I know that the effects of the deductions is to give you the first couple grand for free, but if you can be claimed as someone else's dependent you really get screwed.

At least it's done!


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen