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Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2002-02-22 - 7:26 p.m.


So the new big-boss is really stirring things up at the ancient and venerable bank of Baltimore (motto: we financed the civil war). We are all looking a bit worse for the wear, and this was a short week. Bossman hasn't been sleeping well, I've been grinding my teeth at night and the princess hasn't sat still long enough for me to know what she's feeling. (Suprisingly I actually feel a bit of uncharacteristic sympathy for her as she settles monday on the purchase of her first single-family home in the middle of this turmoil & with her husband facing possible layoff).

In all this I seem to have slipped into some strange twilight zone of situation descriptions. Every other thing out of my mouth appears to be some kind of a stupid analogy:

We're on a runaway train holding on for dear life.

He's a porche going 120 and we don't know what hit us.

Even the gum on the bottom of a shoe is along for the ride, but it's not a pleasant trip.

It's a game of chicken where you can't flinch first, but if you stand too long you'll get run over.

Any time we sit down together in the office to assess our position and what's going on it just starts all over again. Impressions change instantly, situations are all fluid. The pace is dizzying.

It's just so different now. This place was so old-fashioned that just last week the paper was editorializing about how safe and staid we were. Now the big-boss is planning an off-shore hedge fund, a very "in" investment but not at all like anything we've ever done before. And that's just one of the several dozen changes he's throwing at us.

I've worked a bunch of places. I've watched a company self-destruct. I've survived lay-offs. I've seen big contracts end. I've seen exponential growth. I've never been through anything like this.

We found out today that the newest guy 'captain america' was just a couple blocks from the WTC on 9/11. I was wondering why the wunderkind of New York was suddenly moving to Baltimore. Now I'm wondering if all these guys didn't just decide that Wall Street was too dangerous these days and decided that Baltimore is not a terrorist target.


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen