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2002-01-20 - 7:21 p.m.

One piece of perfectly blue sky.

So, I've been working on a jigsaw puzzle. Nothing says winter in our house like a jigsaw puzzle on the dining room table.

It's one of those scenic puzzles. A little white church by a stream framed by trees and backed by mountains. Little bits of color here and there but as I work I've found that it's mostly dark bits, greenish bits, greyish bits and the clear blue of the sky.

So of course once the edges were basically finished I worked on the sky. Easy to pick out a bright blue among the darker bits. And I finished it pretty quickly, except for one piece.

I went through the box over and over but no piece of blue. I checked the floor and under the edge of the folded over table cloth but no piece there. After a long while I figured that it might or might not be there and I moved on.

I worked on the trees, put in the line of mountains and went throught that box of pieces easily a hundred times. And just when I thought it wasn't there because there was no way I could have missed it - there it was, one piece of perfect blue sky.

I'm sure that's a metaphor for something.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen