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2002-01-18 - 7:43 p.m.

Howdy, long time no write.

Geeze, I've become one of those sporadic update people. This week I can only plead really busy at work including staying late. Then being so toasted by the time I finish that I can't even imagine doing another thing on the computer.

I think next week should be better, though as we pretty much finished the application that web-boy spazed on late last year. I tidied the database then I had to write the code to display the data because web-boy was completely unable to do it. It wasn't easy, but I wrote a spiffy little code snippet to handle the display. Then web-boy dissed me by thanking me and telling me that he was sure he could have figured it out given several days. GRRR. Not in a million years would that dolt be able to write anything even close.

I should teach myself to provide an appropriate response to stupid comments like that. I'll admit I was so stunned that I didn't say anything. I'm thinking hysterical laughter would have been appropriate.

Last night I wasn't too tired, but munchkin commandeered the computer. So I indulged in some mindless tv. Then after he went to bed I just couldn't resist so I watched Temptation Island. I know this is not something that I should admit to. I just find this stuff too darn funny. I mean these people put themselves in this ridiculous contrived situation and then a) cry because they're not really that kind of person, b) get pissed because their boy/girl friend is actually partying or c) pretend they really have a good relationship (hello - if it was that good, why'd you sign up to test it?). And what's up with these Temptors/Temptresses these idiots have been on one 'date' with a contestant and they are suddenly acting all posessive of the person. What drugs spark that reaction?

Do these people think they're going to find true love on a game show? Didn't they learn anything from last year's run? Did they not watch last years run? How could you possibly sign up for one of these shows and not have ever watched it?

God but I love that kind of hokey stuff. People are just too amazing to be believed.

Ah well.


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen