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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2001-10-21 - 9:11 p.m.

Not much of a story.

A request was made for the "story" of how munchkin broke himself. Not much of a story there I'm afraid. He was at the Rec & Parks program as there was no school and I'm maxed out on leave. It's a mixed group grades K to 5. Apparently there was some sort of Batman and Robin game going on. Munchie was Poison Ivy (I know that's a girl, but we don't do Batman so I'm sure he didn't know or care). Either Batman or Robin went to tag him (I'm figuring 4th or 5th graders since they were the heros) and ended up pushing him instead, right into a metal door frame. He whacked his face which is what got all the attention. Seems, he whacked the arm too but no one notices. At home it was pretty obvious that he wasn't using it at all. Hence the trip to the doctor and then to the hospital.

I'm a strange combo of unhappy about the arm and estatic that munchie was actually playing a game with the other kids. He seems to be growing out of some of his Apsbergers symptoms.

Today we took the somewhat lengthy drive to my sister's house to visit with one of only 2 chunks of the family that don't live fairly local. My neice and her 2 daughters came east from Vegas for a visit. It was wonderful to see them. It's fairly astonishing to me that the girl I helped skip high school to go to the zoo on a brilliant spring day is the devoted mother of a middle schooler. Yikes. Some days 40 feels older than others.

Sissy lives on the eastern shore of MD and I'd say offhand that the drive over would have been worth the trip on it's own. From the giant flag flying over the car dealer near Annapolis, to the dozens of sailboats on the bay, to the autumn colors and the fields of pumpkins. It was just lovely.

Definitely what I needed after yesterday.


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen