Deb's Place


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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2001-08-10 - 2:45 p.m.

Well, I got my little cancer chopped off today. He sliced a chunk off the shoulder and then scooped out some inside bits. I think he zapped it after that, because although I couldn't see what he was doing, it smelled like a the dentists drill when you have a serious cavity.

The only other spot to worry about is a suspicious dark mark on my backside. If that turns out to be a melanoma or something, I'm gonna be seriously pissed. My lily white heiney has NEVER been out in the sun!


Aak! I just realized it's going to get really quiet around here for the next 10 days. And just when I've gotten addicted too.

With everyone off to Pennsic, I guess I'll have to hunt up some interesting diarys at random. Being a SCAdian in a mixed marriage means I don't get to allocate my vacation for the war. Heck for the last couple of years my activity level has been so low I'm not even sure I can still claim to be a SCAdian.

I'm hoping to get out a little more (I've said that before, haven't I). Munchkin is older and finally getting to the point where he doesn't sob and beg to come along when I say I'm going somewhere. Which is good because although I could bring him with me, he tends to require the major portion of my attention when he's along. Still, DH has always been really mellow about my choice of activities, and as long as he gets his movies and a couple of train shows a year he's happy. He's actually become more helpful (responsible?) too. I actually feel like if I leave the munchkin with him; they will both get the necessary meals, it won't all be out of a fast food box, and the tv will be turned off at least occassionally (if only to move to the computer screen). I've also accepted that munchkin uses the TV as background noise. It's not like he's glued to the TV, he plays other things while it's on. Since he's an only our house is usually quiet and with his wiring there's just not enough stimulation.

Which leaves me hoping that I'll actually be able to get back to some of my social life which tapered off after marriage, held small but steady during munchkin's first couple years and fell off dramatically over the last 2 or so. Not that I can blame the munchkin. I had a touch of burnout, and with munchkin playing my well developed guilt strings it was easier to just hang out with him.

Now I'm bored, kind of lonely and ready to get out a bit. It will never be like it was before, I'll always have to make concessions to the family, but I'd really like to find some sort of happy medium. Preferably before mundane life swallows up that little piece of me that is interesting, daring and different. That is if it isn't already gone. And that means the interesting piece not the silly entertaining bit that comes out when drenched in alcohol. (Although I'm sure that bit will come out too!)

Hopefully some of the folks I cherish will still be willing to waste a little time with me. It is so dashed hard to make new friends, and munchkin's "social autism" didn't come from no where. But I see I've gotten mention in 2 friends diary's which is like a little ray of hope. To see that they've read my words was suprising - not that I'm incognito or anything, if you sign guestbooks it's obvious you're around - more that I was mildly astonished that anyone would care to go looking to see if I'd started my own. But it's a really good kind of astonished that makes me want to come out and play.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen