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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2005-08-31 - 9:52 a.m.

Odds and Phlegms.

I seem to have acquired some sort of sinus funk. Likely sources are the half week of an ac free home, or perhaps being chilled and wet for 4 hours or so at the fair last saturday. On the other hand it could just be the start of fall allergies. Either way I've been waking up in the middle of the night with serious throat issues. By mid-day they tend to be gone due to the copious application of carbonated diet beverages (if they clean the gunk off your car engine imagine what they do for your body parts). When I sneezed this morning, though, I swear I sneezed fire.

I've been meaning to post regularly but it seems to be in fits and spurts. I've had some great schoompy descriptive stuff in mind. I swear though, by the time I walk into the warehouse that is my place of employment all brain functions tend to stop. I can never remember the things I was going to write, the calls I was going to make or even the work I was supposed to accomplish (luckily I make lists for that). Home doesn't seem to be much better. Last night I was going to post on a couple of recent oddities, but after I thought of them I had to make dinner. By the time it was cooked and eaten I could only remember one of them.

That one oddity is that my house seems to be eating things again. Either that or I'm lending them out and forgetting about them. I went to pack for the vacation and couldn't find my nice medium sized green rolly suitcase. I could find the little black one, the huge black one I bought last year for Disney but no wonderful middle sized one. Bizarre. I did, however, find several piles of clothes that I could have sworn I donated to charity. Perhaps I'll just have to buy a new suitcase for San Diego. They had some flashy ones advertised last weekend.

Not sure what else to say. I could swear that it's NOT pay day, but my account has either $1500 more than I expect or if it is pay day $500 less than I thought.

Last week I bought gas in Jersey for $2.43 a gallon. Yesterday locally for $2.61 a gallon. Today the same station was $2.75. I won't say it's going to get ugly because it already is.

I always meant to go to New Orleans. Now I guess if I eventually make it there it just won't be the same. A sad thing that.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen