Deb's Place


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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2005-05-31 - 3:48 p.m.

Plusses and Minuses.

Back from the shore. It was by it's nature a restful weekend. In general I'm relieved of most of my chores when we are there. The downside is that I never feel in control of my life when I'm there.

The pool is nice but when the air and water are under 80 degrees and the average body temperature is over 98 degrees it's pretty darn cold. The in-laws are funny about the pool. They spent an amazing amount of time fussing with the pool this weekend. By the end of the weekend it was looking nice, but it seemed like an awful lot of work.

I read my monthly requirement of trashy magazines and a smidgeon of my book. I slept lots, saw bits and pieces of a couple movies and spent some time laying in a lounge chair. Relaxing but empty.

I've determined that for the vacation week we a) need a plan for trips to the actual beach and other activities b) need pool toys to occupy the boy. Plus I need something more compelling to do than read trashy magazines, not sure what that will be.

On the odd side I have to say that I have had more near misses in my car over the last 4 weeks than I've had in something like the previous 12 months. Last week I had a deer leap out in front of me. I seem to be averaging 3-4 idiots trying to change lanes into me a commute. Some of it's cell phone abuse, some of it is just pure idiots. Today I had an idiot cross the grassy median into the lane in front of me. I was doing 60 he was doing 10. He didn't actually speed up or anything because he wanted to cross 3 lanes of traffic to get off on the exit. Of course masses of traffic shifted into the other lanes to miss slamming into the back of us. All I could do is lay on the horn. Then on my return trip I got caught behind an elderly man going 40 mph (55 is the limit - 60+ is the average) running in the left lane. He was hunched over the wheel and obviously struggling. I feel a bit bad for him but it was pretty obvious he couldn't handle driving in the traffic.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen