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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2005-05-14 - 9:15 a.m.

I must be doing penance...

First there's next year's PTA folks. I had 2 answering machine messages and one call during dinner from the next pres. Seems one of the previous officers was putting a little pressure on because there's fall stuff that needs decisions now. He was beside himself and didn't know how to respond. I've got to give the previous vp some credit - I think she instilled a little of the see why we're soliciting volunteers now into him.

I gave him some info. I got to spend 20 minutes on the phone reassuring him that he could and needed to decide things. I'm pretty furious with the guy but I still have to nursemaid him. Bah.

Turns out he's a golf tournament guy maybe even the one that I blew off a couple years ago. He wants the PTA to sponsor a golf tournament. Thinks it will make tons of money. We can't even get 30 people to work 1/2 hour shifts at the school carnival but he's going to staff a golf tounament... More power to him. Really, I think he has no idea how these things work.

Last night husband and I are chatting and I mentioned the attendees page for JournalCon (which will be awesome! you all should come if you can ... really!). There's a place on the registration to put a few words about yourself or your blog. My brain was blank that day, so I left it blank. Everyone else on the attendees page has a little witty comment and I have a blank. But the point is that Husband says "you have a blog?!". Uh yeah, I say, how do you think I got into all of this. "I just thought you read other people's". Great. All this time I thought he didn't care when in reality he was just clueless. I wonder if he'll look for this page to read it. You can't miss it in the computer's history list.

On thursday on the way to torture night the boy and I were doing his reading homework in the car. The book was about seeds and there was a picture of maple seeds. The boy says they don't look like seeds and I point out that we have a maple tree right in front of the house. Those, I say, are the helicopters. "Those helicopters are seeds?", my husband says, "I didn't know that."

At work I got called into the bosses office yesterday. I was busy trying to hustle out the test results on the forms project because suddenly the go live date became Monday. Wonderful, lets just skip the part where we fix the problems we've found.

Anyway the gist of the 2 f'in hours in the office with the door closed is that the committee I was volunteered for came to a decision that management doesn't like. But "management" is too big a wuss to say that to anyone's face, so my boss is going to shoot down the entire 6 weeks work and try to shove it in another direction without admitting that he's doing it. If the freakin' big boss didn't like the conclusions why didn't he just say "we've already spent too much money on software x please find a framework that will use it". I don't think that would offend anyone. This however is pretty offensive.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen