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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2005-05-06 - 7:56 p.m.

It would be easy to be sad.

Mothers Day (or any other holiday of appreciation for that matter) is not my favorite. Momma Deb the all knowing, knows this: there will be a card from hubs and a card from the boy, there will be some bizarre craft item created at school by the boy, I will cook breakfast like I always do on Sunday, the man will go to a movie like he always does on sunday, if I whine a little we will order Chinese carryout for dinner. It would be easy to be mad or sad, but at this point I'm just resigned to it.

I had a wonderful compliment in the grocery today. Our most awesome Cultural Arts (in-school performances) committee chairperson complimented me on being the PTA Pres. She said she liked how I was even and fair and inclusive. She said she really enjoyed serving this past year. I, of course, tried to make her understand how wonderful she had been. In the end I felt really happy about it all. I really think that the reason I do ok in things like PTA is that my self esteem isn't totally wrapped up in being the petty potentate of the PTA. I have a life and each of the things I do are a single little bitty portion of it. For some folks (like a former vp) it is/was way too big a part of who they are.

Today I was doing my laps in hell (ie the parking lot of work) and thinking about walking. It was cold and for some odd reason the walking wasn't easy. Earlier in the week I did 3 laps and it was so effortless that I felt I could have walked forever. The only difference I can think of is I had a killer daydream going that day. Today I was rooted in reality. I think that to truely enjoy these particular laps one needs to find their own private paradise.

Of course if I hadn't been paying attention today I'd have missed how odd this one type of tree growing through the fence is. It doesn't seem to have much at all in the way of branches. The trunks are just tall and nubbly with the impending leaves. I also would have missed the drifts of pink petals from the cherry trees. The ground near the front of the building was covered. They were especially fetching sprinkled over the grass with tiny purple flowers poking through. And that would have been a shame to miss.


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen