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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2005-03-21 - 7:42 p.m.

My Life ...

I was sitting at the kitchen table with the husband kvetching about my niece's wedding registry. Basically bemoaning the china that's over $100 a place setting. The dear, clueless husband says "if it's too expensive for you, I can go in on it with you". Silly man, doesn't he realize yet that the I do's made it all "ours" anyway?

I got my feelings hurt this weekend. It was a bit of a two pronged whammy. First there was a suprise shower for my niece. My out of town sister, however, stayed with the bride to be's mother rather than at my or my other sister's home. Despite the fact that it could easily have totally screwed up the suprise. I didn't get it but I accepted it.

So Sis gets in Friday night late but hubs informs me that he has a train show to go to on Saturday. I ended up home with the boy. When I finally was free to spend time with the sisters, apparently they were no longer taking visitors or something. There was no invite to come by and no opening to find out if I could visit. I could have invited myself over, but I did that once before and found it to be very painfully obvious that I wasn't wanted. After that the rule has been no invite no go. Needless to say the feelings were hurt. I wallowed in it for most of Saturday.

Luckily I recovered sufficiently to be sociable on Sunday at the party. It was a nice party. Her friends did a great job. Except for the food, that was a little bit wonky. The offerings for a party that started at noon were: donuts, muffins, fruit salad, chips & salsa and a pasta salad. I went with fruit and a donut but 4 hours later when the party ended I was ravenous.

Today was a soul sucking day at work followed by coming home to a homework session that started to devolve into total pain. Somehow we managed to turn it around and got a good discussion on coping strategies out of it followed by laughing so hard our bellies hurt. But somehow tuna salad, mayonaise and my husbands hairy legs are just not going to translate to the same laughs here. Suffice to say one of the many punchlines was "tastes like chicken".

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen