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Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
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Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2004-01-08 - 12:58 p.m.


Playing the part of God's own chew toy today ... me.

I believe I mentioned the admin's fumble with the server cert. Despite faxing the po 2 days before the expiration we still had the cert on time. So I loaded it.

Today on the first day after expiration we start getting messages about expired certificates. I am beside myself. I am reading documentation, reloading the certificate, trying everything I can think of. I am having a very bad time.

Finally I get the company's internet tech guy on the phone. We discuss, we look and we determine that it's not my certificate after all. Instead the Verisign certificate authority has expired. On the same day the other cert would have.

Coincidence, or proof that God has one wicked sense of humor?

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen