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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2004-01-07 - 8:28 p.m.

Final Changes, or Changes Finally.

So the big bossman stopped by my office today to walk me down to his office for a chat. One of the guys mentioned how dorky that looked since he did it with several folks. It would have made more sense to just call us on the phone and have us come down.

But that's not the story of course, it's just another random complaint. Today's discussion was to "get my input" on the final organizational changes for our group. All that we have forseen has come to pass. I feel like Elrond or something.

I will be put under the applications group. It is logical and not particularly objectionable. The only question mark is the pompous jerk that I will be working for. But I can honestly say that I've never worked for him or with him before, so I don't know if that's a bad thing or not. They are 98% certain I should move to the ops center. It's a bit closer to home, but less direct. No office, no window, but I'll be around more interesting people than the current group of post-adolescent boys. Since the parking is free there, I'll be getting a virtual raise as well. Six of one/half dozen of another.

The way I see it, I lose nothing by trying. The current situation is unacceptable. Besides, I'll keep myself on the head hunter's active list either way.

The other changes involve webguy going to the ops center as well. He is LIVID. He will get staff under him but he will not go quietly. He sees the move as an indicator that there will be no interesting work for him in the future.

They must have told the network tech something too, but I don't know what. I believe the plan was ops center for him as well, working under another pompous type. We never talked about that, though, as we were discussing his impending visit to our favorite head hunter.

Finally they are hiring one of the contractors to be in charge of the techs. This despite the fact that he (the contractor) flat out denied it not two months ago. Despite the fact that he was banned from going to clients by the previous administration because he would give them whatever they wanted, appropriate or not. This is the tech who ordered software and hardware for people without any paperwork or approvals and who gave everyone a hole through the firewall so they could have unfiltered internet access. I think it's a really bad idea. It also shows how little they have bothered to find out about these folks. I told the boss all that too, but I know that it was fruitless. They only hear what they want anyway.

So we're moving down to the final stretch. Time elapsed: 5 months, Changes already made: 3 (2 hires and a transfer), Changes pending: 4, Projected losses: 2. We'll see how it all pans out.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen