Deb's Place


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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2003-07-11 - 8:49 p.m.

Friday Five.

1. Do you remember your first best friend? Who was it?

Susan Brandt. She lived in a house just down from ours when I was quite young.

2. Are you still in touch with this person?

No, they moved while we were still in Elementary school.

3. Do you have a current close friend?

The Best Babe .

4. How did you become friends with this person?

She lived down the road from me and was the organizer of my first SCA event. I descended upon her doorstep to pay for my feast and get a quick intro to the SCA.

5. Is there a friend from your past that you wish you were still in contact with? Why?

I'm curious about some of them. Teresa who lived next door to me. Kathy from college. Cindy from down the street. Funny I know more about what became of my sisters friends than what became of mine.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen