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Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2003-07-07 - 3:42 p.m.

It's the little things...

I had a nice weekend, thank you very much. The boy adored jumping waves, and I am only a little sunburned.

Can't say as I'm rested or relaxed, however. I've been stressing out big time. It's funny I can remember all of the worst days of my life. They came, went, and while I was sad or depressed afterwards they never really stressed me out. It seems it's the little things that do that.

The dryer. Good grief! I have have been completely stressed out over the dryer for more than a week now. Today the new one was delivered but until I get through some of the mounds of laundry I just won't feel right. I don't know why it caused me such anxiety but I was awake at 4 am today worrying about whether or not they'd deliver the damn dryer.

Last week it was the ladies room key at work. Seems for some unknown reason they changed the locks on the ladies room. There were keys available to use, but the fact that I didn't have a key on my key ring weirded me out. Uneasy, jumpy, unhappy. Way too many symptoms for such an insignificant stress.

There are larger stresses too, so maybe I'm just obsessing over the little ones because the big ones are so amorphous. Work, for instance, is weird. I can't be more specific than that. It's a feeling in the air, the way people are acting. It's nerve racking.

The PTA thing is nagging at my brain too. I'm regretting volunteering before I've even started doing anything. It's wearing on me.

Then there's the various health issues. I need to make an appointment to get radioactive. I need to figure out if I should cancel some dental work. I need to get my hearing checked. I need to figure out why I'm itching. I need to lose some weight.

Today, however, I'll settle for doing some laundry.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen