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Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2003-02-07 - 2:22 p.m.

Not Angst, Just Reflection.

I've been thinking about the little angst bit from earlier in the week and letting some of the comments simmer in the brain. I've got some definite ideas about it.

First it's very nice to know (rather than just think or hope) that you have been a positive part of someone's life. Still, I think that AoD gives me much more credit than I deserve. I was as new and bereft as she whe we started playing the SCA game. I think she and I shared many of the same emotions throughout, though one or the other was often on a time delay. And when things got weird it was my office buddy Sueann who reminded me quite clearly that I had no idea about other peoples lives, so how could I possibly take a side. It was in fact the AoD's grace in that horrible time and the way she rebuilt her life and herself afterward that have made her one of my heros ever since.

I've also been pondering the idea of taking care of the peron as a means of taking care of the world. I've come to the conclusion that this feeling I have - using the puzzle analogy - is the sign of a missing piece. There is something else I need to complete me, when I find what it is the bigger picture will be that much better.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen