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Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2002-12-18 - 11:32 a.m.

The long arm of the Claus.

"I don't think Santa really cares about us."

"Why do you say that honey?"

"Just kidding."

"No, I really want to know what made you think of saying that."

"Santa can't find out everything we do."

"Sure he can, he's magic."

"Like a magic mirror?"

"Or a crystal ball, or maybe a magic snowflake."

"Do you think he knows I got a mark on the clipboard today?"

"Uh oh, what happened."

"I was talking loud to my friends, but I didn't mean to."

"Sweetie, people can only see what we do, not what we meant to do."

"But I didn't mean to."

"The teacher needs you to listen when she's teaching."

"But I was listening."

"Yes, but maybe your friends couldn't listen because you were talking."

"But I didn't mean to."

"It's ok, honey, just do better tommorrow. What matters is trying to do better."

"Will santa not come to our house because I got a mark on the clipboard?"

"No honey, you've been pretty good all year. I think Santa will look at all of the year."

"Will I get presents?"

"I think so. Santa won't stay away for one mistake."

"Because we all make mistakes, that's what my old teacher said."

"That's right honey, everyone makes mistakes sometimes."

"Will Santa go to my school and look at the clipboard?"

"He won't have to, he's magic."

"But I didn't mean to get a mark."

"It's ok honey, I love you, Daddy loves you, and Santa, well he's made of love."

"I hope I still get presents."

"Don't worry sweetie, I think you will. But now it's time for bed."

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen