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Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2002-11-22 - 8:34 p.m.

Not at all what I expected.

So it was fall festival at the Park & Rec's before/after care program. Or should I call it blindness awareness night.

I went expecting to listen to the kids sing and eat some deserts. What I got was 2 songs from the kids and a poem from the Kinders. Plus a song from the accompianist and about 45 minutes from him on what it's like to be blind. This was not what I was expecting. The kids did pretty well for having to sing a song, sit endlessly while he spoke, then sing again. It was odd.

I feel annoyed, if a bit guilty for feeling annoyed. It's nice to raise our awareness and all that - but that wasn't what we were expecting. Last year there were something like 5 or 6 songs and the Kinders. This year it was disorganized and just downright weird. The talk was boring and rambling and the kids were restless and I ended up sitting and talking with my neighbor through most of it.

Being annoyed with the blind guy - One more reason I'm going to hell.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen