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2002-09-03 - 2:41 p.m.

Cattywhompus, blah and several similar adjectives.

I've been feeling cattywhompus since last week some time. I think it was the amazing combination of the credit card not crediting a payment, a check going MIA in the mail, realizing that I'm travelling on three weekends in a row and the fourth is munchkin's birthday, school starting, and I'm not sure what else. Too much input.

On monday there was the pile of papers from school. Tuesday there was the evil credit card issue. Wednesday there was homework followed by a trip out to get soccer supplies. Around it all I'm trying to figure out what clothes shopping I need to do for munchie. Then Thursday it hit me that I was going out to dinner that night and out of town the next day. I felt horribly unprepared.

The weekend was a complete bust. Serious wind and rain. All I can say positive about it is that I got a lot of reading done. Two books and a trashy magazine. It was good to see the in-laws, though MIL was acting a bit dotty. I'll have to keep an eye on that. I don't think DH or the SIL's want to admit any difference in their parents, but I have definitely noticed the effects of aging on them. Munchie was very cute with his grandma. When we left he was telling her how much he'd miss her.

Yesterday we left the shore fairly early. There didn't seem much reason to stick around. We hit the sunshine about halfway home. Can't complain, though, we needed the rain. Plus coming home early gave me a chance to take care of the chores.

So I'm back to the grind. The check showed up in the weekend's mail as did a letter from the credit card company. I have phone calls to make, but I'm just not feeling up to it. Today I'm wearing my ugly shoes. The outfit ain't so hot either. It all just leaves me feeling kind of blah.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen