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Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
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Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2002-03-20 - 7:27 p.m.

Nobody listens to the little fat girl.

Last week I stayed late to help move servers around and replace hard drives. We moved most of the server cabinets but not all of the server cabinets. Bossman was quite displeased. Why he wonders did we not move all the cabinets? Apparently some financial analyst types will be touring the Ancient and Venerable Bank offices on Friday. Bossman decides he simply must have all the server cabinets moved before then.

We arrive early on Tuesday (why, I ask, are we doing this in the am and not pm?). We take down 2 servers we trace many network cables move the cabinet and reroute the cables. It is now just about opening time at the offices. So we take down the other servers including all of the user home directories and file shares. We also take down an input system. We spend even longer pulling, tracing and moving cables. We bring the servers back up - it is now over an hour into the work day.

Suddenly it is discovered that the input system is not working. It can't talk to the mainframe. I suggest we trace the cable from my server which is talking to the mainframe over to where it's plugged in and see if the other server is plugged in there too. An hour later the boss give up and goes to watch his soap opera, tech no 1 reloads drivers that he is sure the server is missing, and deb makes the same suggestion. Another hour later bossman decides he's going to unplug my working server and put it's network cable into the input server. Then after I make my suggestion one more time they decide not to break the working server after all but instead to trace it's line and plug the other one in next to it.

Finally at 2pm the system is again working. In the meantime hundreds of input records appear to have been abandoned in the system. Everyone forgets that it is a system built to recover from faults. They send the hundreds of input records again. Thereby duplicating hundreds of records.

All so that the computer room can look 'pretty' for guests.

And in the midst of this my computer locks up and does not come back. So I spent all of yesterday and all of today without a computer to work on. Sigh. I also have several jobs that aren't working but I can't even figure out what's wrong because I don't have a computer to work on. Double Sigh.

I love my job.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen