Deb's Place


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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2007-02-10 - 4:38 p.m.

Bad Case of February.

I'm constantly tired. I go to sleep before my kid on most nights. It's a struggle to stay up until 9. Last night I went to bed at 8:30, though I remember hearing the boy go to bed, so I must have still been awake an hour later. I'm not sick so the only conclusion I can come to is a really bad case of february.

We had a discussion at work yesterday about the little merger announcement about retention bonuses. My boss said they should have titled it "How to get people to quit". Next week when the meetings are supposed to happen should be interesting. Everyone who is there that stands to lose their job but are putting up with the BS of the merger, feel like they deserve a retention bonus to stay until conversion. Who wants to be told they aren't essential to the process whether or not it is or isn't an indicator of future employment. Most of us don't expect future employment with the orange bank anyway. The only reason to stay for the severence is if you happen to be one of the long standing employees looking at 6 months to a year of money. I for one will be looking in earnest if there's no retention offer. Even if all I'd get out of it is spite. God knows they can't seem to keep my apps running when I'm on vacation.

In other news my knee totally went south after thursdays weight session. I tried to go upstairs when I got home and ended up cracking my pinky grabbing for the handrail when the knee said no thank you. I'm not sure what this will do to my lift like a guy plan.

I also am definitely not making my Mexico weight goal. Sigh. With 2 weeks to go I'm more than 10 pounds heavier than where I was hoping to be. It's not a major tragedy, but if my husband tells me again how damn much he's lost I may consider murder.

I tried to spend money again today but only found 2 sweaters on clearance. Not exactly clothes for my trip. I did get a new swimsuit from a catalog, though. I can't wait to try it on.

I also got my hair cut. I went to one of the walk in places and had the creepy guy stylist. I call him Lurch. Maybe it's for the better, I was considering changing things up a bit, but not with him holding the scissors. For him it's "same thing but an inch or two shorter".

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen