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Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
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Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2007-02-06 - 10:19 a.m.


Apparently I've been quiet lately. I guess I don't see it, mostly because when I have something to say I do so and when I don't likewise.

There's not too much to report around here. Even the highlights aren't very high at all.

Work is plodding along. We know very little. I expect to be employed here until around October, unless I look elsewhere first. There is very little to do except keep things running.

Commander Chaos is providing a measure of entertainment through his increasingly erratic behavior. He disowned all his direct reports last week, then appologized to some of them this week. Apparently he was upset about people talking about the day he spent typing up a job application. I can't imagine why but apparently his paranoia just can't take it. Whatever. At least I don't work for him any more.

Home is home. We supervise homework and music and I cook dinner. I have chores to do and chores I really should do. Some get done, some don't. I go to bed early fairly often because getting up early for the gym doesn't leave enough sleep time. Seven hours or less is just not cutting it.

At the gym yesterday I again applied the lift like a guy program. I ended up pretty much doubling the weight for my legs and I struggled a bit more weight onto the chest, shoulder and back as well. Part of the problem there is the long standing shoulder issue. When I do chest presses or flys my shoulder either clicks or hurts. Strangely it doesn't hurt between workouts, though, so I'm trying to challenge myself a little more without breaking myself. I didn't really notice the extra workout until this morning when the regular treadmill time made my legs feel like lead. The knees are holding up, though and that's the important part.

While I'm sorry that I'll miss the GreenBay crowd, I have to say that it's forecast for 80 in Cancun today. Oh yeah, I'm definitely looking forward to Mexico. After all it's debsicle weather around here.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen