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2007-02-02 - 8:32 a.m.

Lose weight like a guy.

The man stops eating french fries every day and loses about 10 pounds in 3 weeks. I exercise 5 days a week, watch every morsel and lose much less. (And I outweigh him so it's not that.) We are both sick for a day he drops 6 pounds, I drop 2. Mine is all back now. I'll be interested to find out about his when he weighs himself tomorrow.

But the point of all this is I read an article online about losing weight like a man. Most of it was common sense crap but there was an item on working out that I decided to try. Basically go for the impressive weights. Today I when I lifted weights I did my normal 15 reps at my normal weight. Then I added 10 pounds and tried again. I added weight until I could only do 8 reps. The article's suggestion was to add more until you could just do 3 reps but I didn't go that far.

Wow that was a very different workout. Much more challenging. It also showed me I've been too wussy with the weight I'm lifting. In a couple cases I had to add 20 or 30 pounds to get to the point of only doing 8 reps. I also found that after doing it for biceps, triceps and lats I couldn't manage my normal weight for the chest and shoulders (where I'm weakest). Maybe I'll start with them next time. It will be interesting to see how I feel tomorrow.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen