Deb's Place


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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2007-01-25 - 8:39 a.m.


Some things just can't help but repeat. Sadly it looks like the great photocopying project is one of them. Seems they don't like some of what I sent because it's too much detail. They need the summary pages. (AKA they need to not have to go through all the detail pages.) I hadn't sent those because they don't break down the various taxes and surcharges and therefore logically could not be valid for the filing. Apparently these guys don't want the real numbers they'd rather estimate from the totals. I'm a bit torqued because that's thousands of unnecessary pages unstapled, copied, restapled, boxed and shipped that I didn't need to do. Bah.

Of course just last week I said I was so bored at work I was almost missing the copying job, and now I don't have to miss it anymore.

In other news, well there really isn't any. Work is alternately boring, entertaining and annoying. Commander Chaos is moving regularly between laughable, irritating and pathetic. He doesn't talk to me anymore but the psychic overflow (and the yelling) affect us all. Turns out he is just really, really jealous. He's jealous of the guys who are getting jobs. He's jealous of the VP doing site surveys. He can't stand it that he's not top dog anymore. (Not that he really was, but he believed he was.)

I watched a little of American Idol, but only a little. How can people enjoy that? I find it painful. I feel so bad for all these people who really think they're good. Did no one ever tell them the truth before? Only the backup singer girl in Memphis was the opposite - gorgeous voice, no confidence. She was the best of the people I saw.

Home is home. Hubs tried to get us to go out to dinner last night but I said no. The boy looked so unhappy at the prospect (and knowing he had extra homework, 30 minutes of reading to do and trombone). I just couldn't see going out for spaghetti when that's what I was planning to cook anyway. So I guess I have no cause to complain about never going out.

I'm starting to get really psyched for Mexico. (Though I'm sad, sad, sad about missing Greenbay.) I'm trying to figure out the best time for a haircut. I'm thinking about doing a little clothes shopping. Funny I never want to clothes shop unless I'm taking a trip. I guess it's about time to try on my new swimsuit and see if I shrunk enough to fit in it. I looked at one in the drawer I bought when I was low carbing and it was 3 sizes smaller than what I'm wearing now. Just goes to show how screwed up brain is, I thought it was just the next size down and I'd be able to wear it soon. Guess I was way smaller than I thought I was then.

How will I last a month? Oh yeah it will go quick because I'll be making photcopies.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen