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Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2005-09-02 - 10:19 a.m.

Some Observations.

The New Orleans nightmare is breaking my heart. Terrible to think that the entire evacuation plan was predicated on people having the means to leave on their own. I think they seriously underestimated the number of people unable to do that. Worse to think how savage many of those left behind are behaving now. I donated some money monday, but now the bank will match red cross donations so I'll be donating again.

At first when I got back from vacation I was amazed at how dark it was going to the gym in the morning. I was thinking that fall had suddenly dropped on me. The more I think about it I realize that's stupid. Sunrise was getting steadily later before I left and then I was gone for a week. If anything it simply shows how much effect a week has on the time of sunrise.

Same kind of thing with leaves changing. Last year I went on about how early fall was starting. In reality it was just a few trees early with the rest at the regular time. This year I understand that and recognize that the changes I'm seeing now are just the early trees at the vanguard.

In the amazing work restroom saga... just before I left for vacation they actually replaced the broken toilets. Now it seems they are repainting (again) over the very crappy beige paint job done during the "remodel". Strangely enough the green color they are using is exactly the color that the bar down the street was just painted. Is that a coincidence?

The price of gas which went from $261 on monday to $275 on wednesday is now up to $305 since thursday. I forgot to look today to see what the new number is. I noticed yesterday that in the town north of mine where the prices are usually the area's highest the cost was still under $3. Guess they aren't gouging like the others.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen